STORIES TRA TE E TERRA2019-08-02T10:41:03+02:00

STORIES BETWEEN TE AND EARTH is a theatrical storytelling project by Teatro Magro, with the support of Centro Internazionale d’Arte e di Cultura di Palazzo Te.

Thought up by Stefano Baia Curioni, STORIES BETWEEN TE AND EARTH come straight from the horse’s mouth (or rather, the people of Mantua and nearby).

Chapter one – On the city in the twentieth century

Chapter two – On the city as a future asset


The theatre company was officially founded in 1988 under the art direction of  Flavio Cortellazzi. Its chief objectives are to spread the tradition of drama and its practice.

Teatro Magro draws on everyday life and experience while avoiding  stereotypes, clichès, and rhetoric, all with an unbounded sense of fun.

Photos and video by Gian Maria Pontiroli
Text editing by Claudio Fraccari
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